S5: Bone Grafting for Every Dental Team: The Secrets to Success!
S5: Bone Grafting for Every Dental Team: The Secrets to Success!
March 29, 2025 08:30 AM 11:30 AM
AGD Code: 490
3 Hour Lecture – Technical and Scientific
Suggested Audience: D, H, C, A, L
Dentists: $75 Hygienists: $60
All Other Categories: $55
The key to successful implant treatment in dental practice is to reduce any limitations to your ability to have the right implants in the right place. This relies on the ability to preserve or regenerate the hard and soft tissues that are necessary for long term clinical success for your implant patients. Grafting techniques at the time of extraction make the patient’s experience better and the whole implant treatment process more streamlined and the prosthetic outcome better! New techniques of regenerating missing bone have made implant therapy reliable, functional and longer lasting. All members of the dental team need to have a familiarity with what’s available, what’s possible and how it works, regardless of whether you are in a restorative and/or surgical role in the patient’s treatment. Today we have a myriad of materials and techniques to accomplish this mission but it can be confusing as to which ones to choose and how best to implement them. In a private practice, the cost of these materials can make it difficult to be profitable especially if the surgeon is not efficient, proficient, and is unable to control complications and failures. The goal of this lecture is to arm the implant team with the information necessary for prudent, predictable treatment decisions with the end goal to provide the balance between excellent clinical success for the patient and consistent profitability for your practice. The good news: what is best for our patients, (including great regenerative outcomes and reduced complications, office visits, chair time, and material expenses) is best for your business model!
Educational Objectives:
- The fundamentals of regenerating bone for your extraction patients.
- So many different materials and techniques! Which ones to use for which cases?
- Simultaneous grafting and implant placement.
- Comparing multiple different approaches for ridge augmentation and sinus grafting.
- Understanding the impact of the patient’s medical history AND compliance on your outcome!
- Putting it all together for less time, less office visits, and less complications.
Educational Funding Provided by MegaGen